Patriot Reports

The Last Patriot News promises to always provide you with news you can trust, without the typical bias. Objectivity and integrity are as vital to us as they are to you, and we’ll bring additional context to developing stories through our Patriot Reports.

In addition to Everyday Briefs, you will receive regular Patriot Reports in your inbox. These expanded stories offer a detailed glimpse into the most important news of the moment, keeping you informed and ready to make the best decisions possible.

Biden Is Selling Trump’s WHAT?

( - In a move that is angering millions of American patriots as they learn the news, Joe Biden's administration is selling parts of...

Bye-Bye DeSantis

( - The latest 2024 Republican primary polling data from New Hampshire has brought bad news for Ron DeSantis – so much so that...

VIDEO: Gingrich Reveals Trump Indictment Bombshell

( - Former United States House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich has made a bombshell revelation about Donald Trump’s latest Democrat-led indictment: Someone in...

Shooting Group Sues Over THIS Gun Law

( - A group defending Second Amendment rights has challenged in court a new anti-gun law in Democrat-run Illinois limiting the advertising of firearm...

VIDEO: Kamala Heckled by Crazed Lefty

( - As though her trademark word salads and policy gaffes haven’t been embarrassing enough, Kamala Harris was caught on video in a brand-new...

Infamous FBI Agent Convicted

( - In what many believe is further vindication of the conclusion that the Democrats’ “Trump-Russia collusion” plot was an all-out hoax, a former...

This Democrat City Is the ‘Land of Milk and Fentanyl’

( - Progressivist Democrats have turned Oakland, California, into the “land of milk and fentanyl,” with devastating homelessness and lawlessness making the city “unlivable,”...

NEW: IRS Harmed Millions of Taxpayers

( - In an outrageous admission, the Internal Revenue Service is believed to have lost track of millions of tax account records, putting millions...

Home Explosion Caught on Camera (video)

( - The tragic explosion of a suburban home that has left four dead and at least one missing was caught on a doorbell...

PROOF: Mainstream Media Is Fake News

( - Every true American patriot knows that the mainstream media pumps out fake news in order to support Democrats and the left. And this...


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