About The Last Patriot News

The team here at The Last Patriot News is part of a generation that values life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the rights provided to us by our U.S. Constitution. We’re a proud American publication preserving the mission of the patriots that went before us: spreading truth and keeping the American dream alive. Protecting that dream includes acting as a member of the free press, bringing you the latest updates on happenings from across the US and all over the globe.

Defending Freedom Through News

We are committed to fair reporting and protecting our First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Every week, we will deliver reports on current events and breaking news that cover the topics you care about most, such as politics, election news, and issues that impact our liberties. Our team will always bring you truthful and unbiased information so you can decide where you stand on the important issues of the day.

About the Team at The Last Patriot News

Our team at The Last Patriot News pledges to always report stories based on facts, free of the bias that’s often present in mainstream news outlets. We’re dedicated to bringing you in-depth, fair coverage from across the country, including news that impacts our Constitutional freedoms. We work daily to bring balanced coverage straight to your inbox. With our dedicated team of reporters as your guide, you’ll stay up to date on critical happenings nationwide that influence our present and our future.

The Last Patriot News is built on integrity, accuracy, and trust. Like you, we deeply value our American rights, and we will always defend them. We know how important it is to protect our Constitutional rights so they can be passed from one generation to the next. That’s why we’re here, spreading truth and delivering facts–so you can stay informed on the unfolding events that shape this country.

Subscribers to The Last Patriot News will receive Everyday Briefs and Patriot Reports delivered via email, always for free. In these reports, you’ll find straightforward, to-the-point news that’s easy to understand as you go about your routine. We understand how busy your days are. Our dependable team will always strive to get you the headlines you need, without the mainstream bias.

Everyday Briefs

Everyday Briefs are stories we deliver regularly to you, so you can stay posted on news regarding current events, politics, and threats to our US freedoms. On a regular basis, we will deliver current events and breaking news that cover the topics you care about most: politics, finance, the economy, and more.

Patriot Reports

Patriot Reports are further contextualized stories that build on developing reports from all over the nation and around the world. They dive deeper into topics that demand further details, which you need to know for a broader understanding. Alongside Everyday Briefs, they’re delivered right to your inbox when you subscribe.

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The Last Patriot News | Freedom Media
2255 Sheridan Blvd., #C-188
Denver, CO 80214

[email protected]