Patriot Reports

The Last Patriot News promises to always provide you with news you can trust, without the typical bias. Objectivity and integrity are as vital to us as they are to you, and we’ll bring additional context to developing stories through our Patriot Reports.

In addition to Everyday Briefs, you will receive regular Patriot Reports in your inbox. These expanded stories offer a detailed glimpse into the most important news of the moment, keeping you informed and ready to make the best decisions possible.

Trump’s Truth Social Explodes

( - In a truе tеstimony to thе growing public momеntum bеhind Donald Trump and thе MAGA idеology, thе sharеs of Trump Mеdia &...

Judge Gags Trump

( - In what might as well be described as a new act of pro-leftist judicial repression against Donald Trump, the judge overseeing his...

GOP Threaten Biden’s AG

( - Showcasing that GOP congressional representatives are stepping up against any Democrat that poses a menace to the country, House Republicans threatened Attorney...

Angry With Biden, Netanyahu Cancels

( - In nothing short of a slap in Joe Biden’s face, vital US ally Israel led by conservative Benjamin Netanyahu has canceled a...

Trump Wins Huge Concession

( - In a crucial victory for Donald Trump in his pushback against Democrat-led judicial persecution, an appeals court has slashed tremendously the sum...

Biden Running Out of Time

( - The left seems increasingly set to suffer one of its most spectacular defeats in recent years as President Joe Biden appears to...

Russian Fleet Hit Hard (Video)

( - In a striking new development of the victim exacting a heavy toll on the attacker, an embattled Ukraine has inflicted catastrophic losses...

Trump Will Reverse THIS Biden Mandate

( - To stop Joe Biden’s hare-brained idea of implementing a new mandate regarding the car industry, former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has...

HUGE: GOP Set to Flip Senate Seat

( - In what is likely to be a severe blow to congressional lefties and their anti-common sense agenda, GOP Senate candidate and former...

VIDEO: Bombshell Testimony Against Bidens

( - Clouds above the Bidens are getting darker and darker as now one of Hunter’s former business associates, Tony Bobulinski, has told Congress...


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