VIDEO: Dems ‘In A Nosedive’

( – In a highly accurate assessment, Republican strategist Scott Jennings has characterized the Democratic Party’s current situation as a “nosedive” following the Supreme Court’s decision on Monday that supported former President Donald Trump’s plea for immunity.

See Jennings’ comments in the video below!

The Court declared Trump “entitled to immunity” for “official acts” in a case prompted by an indictment from special counsel Jack Smith, which pertained to Trump’s challenges to the 2020 election results.

The decision, penned by Chief Justice John Roberts, was passed with a 6-3 vote.

According to Jennings, Trump has been experiencing a series of victories especially after a jury in Manhattan, comprising seven men and five women, found him guilty of 34 felony counts of business record falsification on May 30.

“I was thinking about the last 30, 35 days or so. I’m not sure any presidential candidate in modern history has had the incredible run of luck of Donald Trump,” Jennings remarked in a CNN interview, cited by The Daily Caller.

“I mean, from the moment he got convicted in New York, on a case that broadly unified the right, and he got his big cash infusion, to the debate implosion of Biden last week, to now, we know from the Supreme Court ruling today he’s not going to see the inside of a courtroom, outside of sentencing in New York before November,” the GOP strategist elaborated.

Since his conviction, Trump’s campaign has amassed over $140 million.

Furthermore, the Supreme Court concluded that federal prosecutors exceeded their boundaries with the obstruction statute Smith utilized to indict Trump last Friday, just one day following a poorly received debate performance by President Joe Biden against Trump on CNN.

“He is on an amazing luck,” Jennings continued. “Democrats were hoping the month of June would totally change the trajectory of this campaign, and it did. Now they’re in a nosedive and they have no idea how to pull out of it. He is on an incredible winning streak right now and his campaign, 30 days after getting convicted, is in far better shape than it was.”

Presently, President Joe Biden lags behind Trump by 1.9% in a national head-to-head matchup, as indicated by the RealClearPolling average of polls.

Trump’s lead increases to 2.9% when independent candidates Cornel West and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., along with Green Party candidate Jill Stein, are taken into account.

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