Patriot Reports

The Last Patriot News promises to always provide you with news you can trust, without the typical bias. Objectivity and integrity are as vital to us as they are to you, and we’ll bring additional context to developing stories through our Patriot Reports.

In addition to Everyday Briefs, you will receive regular Patriot Reports in your inbox. These expanded stories offer a detailed glimpse into the most important news of the moment, keeping you informed and ready to make the best decisions possible.

Joe Biden

NOW: Biden Gets Bad News

( - On Sunday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy put forward the increasing likelihood of initiating an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden, describing it as...

Jim Jordan Comes Out Swinging

( - A powerful Republican US lawmaker has come out swinging at and is going on offense as he sets out to investigate a...

Trump Does THIS To Protect His Supporters

( - Donald Trump's presidential campaign has come up with a new solution to fend off scammers and protect his donors – an official...

Biden’s Secret Emails: New Details

( - Joe Biden’s emails using aliases “tie” him to his son’s allegedly illegal business schemes, a former senior US official has commented, as...

BREAKING: Federal Agents Caught Lying

( - A US Justice Department watchdog has found that dozens of individuals have been hired by the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) even though...

‘America’s Mayor’ Arrested

( - Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who came to fame as a federal prosecutor who took on the Mafia, was “forced”...

BOMBSHELL: $2 Trillion Pulled Out

( - Democrat-run California and New York are experiencing a hugely significant exodus of financial companies managing over $2 trillion in assets, which have...
Joe Biden

Biden Slammed for Disgusting Remarks

( - Joe Biden sparked social media outrage with inappropriate jokes and gaffes during his visit to Maui, the Hawaiian island recently devastated by...

Hunter Biden Gets Bad News

( - Hunter Biden got more bad news as his legal situation is getting more difficult. House Republicans just subpoenaed FBI and IRS officials...

PROOF: Biden’s Illegal Alien Invasion Growing

( - Joe Biden’s illegal alien invasion is worsening as some 83,000 border jumpers entered the nation in the first 15 days of August. The...


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