Great News For Trump Spells Trouble For Biden

Joe Biden and Donald Trump

( – In great news for Donald Trump, which, however, spells doom for Joe Biden, a significant majority of Republican voters express greater satisfaction with the former president than Democrats do with the incumbent just five months before the 2024 election.

A new Gallup poll, unveiled just hours before Thursday night’s first presidential debate, reveals that 79 percent of Republicans are enthusiastic about their candidate.

In stark contrast, only 42 percent of Democrats share this sentiment for theirs, with an additional 56 percent preferring a different representative for the November election, National Review reports.

Historically, Republican satisfaction with Trump has been high, mirroring past sentiments with 81 percent showing enthusiasm in a similar 2020 Gallup poll.

Conversely, President Biden has seen a notable decline in popularity among Democrats from 56 percent in 2020.

For context, 64 percent of Democrats were satisfied with Hillary Clinton post-nomination in 2016, while Barack Obama enjoyed a robust 84 percent approval among Democrats during his re-election bid in 2012.

After the 2016 GOP nominating convention, Trump had a 45 percent satisfaction rate among Republicans, and Mitt Romney garnered 66 percent approval in 2012.

The age of the candidates is a significant concern among voters, with 78-year-old Trump and 81-year-old Biden perceived differently in terms of their age’s impact.

Seventy-five percent of respondents express varying levels of concern regarding Biden’s age, seeing it as a more significant issue compared to 38 percent who feel the same about Trump.

Despite Trump’s advantage in head-to-head comparisons, both he and Biden suffer from high unfavorability ratings.

Currently, Trump holds a 46 percent favorability rating, with Biden trailing at 37 percent.

Interestingly, Trump’s favorability has risen by four percentage points since December, whereas Biden’s has declined by an equivalent amount.

These latest ratings set a new low for Biden, while Trump achieves his highest favorability since April 2020, when he reached 49 percent.

This poll was conducted nationally from June 3-23, subsequent to Trump’s conviction on 34 felony counts in his Manhattan hush-money trial.

When analyzing the data by party affiliation, 91 percent of Republicans favor Trump as opposed to 81 percent of Democrats who favor Biden. Among independents, who constitute the largest voting bloc in the U.S., 41 percent favor Trump over Biden’s 33 percent.

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