Patriot Reports

The Last Patriot News promises to always provide you with news you can trust, without the typical bias. Objectivity and integrity are as vital to us as they are to you, and we’ll bring additional context to developing stories through our Patriot Reports.

In addition to Everyday Briefs, you will receive regular Patriot Reports in your inbox. These expanded stories offer a detailed glimpse into the most important news of the moment, keeping you informed and ready to make the best decisions possible.

Donald Trump

Trump Lawyer Slams NY AG

( - In a pointed defense of his client, Alina Habba, the attorney for former President Donald Trump, blasted New York Attorney General Letitia...

Dem Gov Gets Bad News

( - Weeks after his inexplicable wide-grin meeting with Communist China’s leader Xi, California’s Governor Gavin Newsom, a potential Democrat substitute for Joe Biden...
U.N. Headquarters

UN Libs: Gaza a ‘Graveyard for Children’

( - Echoing far-left cries over the Hamas-provoked war with Israel, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ response to the conflict has been to term...
Rashida Tlaib

Rep. Tlaib Accuses Biden of WHAT?!

( - Amid the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas, Joe Biden is facing a wave of...
Red light

Trump Opponent Booed Off Stage – Video

( - In a seeming show of support for Donald Trump, one of his marginal rivals for the 2024 GOP nomination, former Arkansas Governor...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

RFK Jr. Shocks Political ‘Experts’

( - In a shocking turn of events for the 2024 presidential race, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is shaping up to be...

Hunter Biden Whines About WHAT?!

( - In an act that would have been hilarious had it not been so pathetic, Hunter Biden portrayed himself and his father as...

GOP to Biden: Ban THIS!

( - Expressing growing alarm over an apparent surge of anti-Israel content, Republican lawmakers are demanding that the Biden administration bans TikTok, citing concerns...

Drug-Laced Halloween Candy Found

( - BREAKING NOW: In a shocking new police bust exposing the extent to which criminals are using narcotics to target the nation’s children,...

ALERT: 5,000 Illegals Headed For US

( - In alarming news for the country, a large caravan, mainly composed of Central Americans and Venezuelans, embarked from southern Mexico toward the...


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