Patriot Reports

The Last Patriot News promises to always provide you with news you can trust, without the typical bias. Objectivity and integrity are as vital to us as they are to you, and we’ll bring additional context to developing stories through our Patriot Reports.

In addition to Everyday Briefs, you will receive regular Patriot Reports in your inbox. These expanded stories offer a detailed glimpse into the most important news of the moment, keeping you informed and ready to make the best decisions possible.

Cruz Ties 9/11 to Southern Border (audio)

( - The "next 9/11" terrorist attack that will hit the United States will result from the massive illegal alien invasion through the Southern...
Red light

BREAKING VIDEO: Explosion at American Facility

( - BREAKING NOW: A powerful explosion at an American manufacturing plant has rocked the area and sent numerous employees to the hospital. You can...
Joe Biden

Biden Gets Bad News

( - Bidenomics, the economic plan of Joe Biden, is an unmitigated failure according to the vast majority of American voters. The latest poll by...

Gov. Kristi Noem Makes Her Move

( - Taking a stand and making her move, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, an extremely popular figure with Patriots in the modern Republican...

BREAKING: Dem Gov Bans Guns; Shreds Constitution

( - BREAKING NOW: In a move that shreds the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, a Democrat Governor...

Judge Attacks Texas Over Border Defense

( - In a new blow to Republican efforts to defend the Southern Border against the ongoing illegal alien invasion, a federal judge ordered...

VIDEO: Megyn Kelly’s Huge Announcement

( - BREAKING NOW: Given their history, most thought they'd never be in the same room again, much less sit across from one another...

Biden Spotted Doing WHAT?!

( - Exhibiting a striking new level of hypocrisy, Joe Biden removed his COVID-19 mask during a White House ceremony minutes after his aides...

America’s Enemies Join Forces

( - America’s foreign enemies seem to be increasingly coming together as Putin’s Russia and North Korea are mulling trading weapons, potentially with Communist...

It’s ‘Go Time’ If You Want THIS

( - Dark clouds are gathering over the increasingly embattled Joe Biden presidency as a Republican US congressman declared it is “go time” for...


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