Muslim Terrorists Entering US – PROOF

( – In a hardly surprising but utterly outrageous development, federal officials now warn that terrorists from dangerous pro-Iranian Islamist groups could already be using Joe Biden’s “landmark achievement” – the illegal alien invasion – to penetrate America.

According to an internal memo of the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency leaked to The Daily Caller, there is a high possibility of members from terrorist groups like Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and Hezbollah,

All of the above groups are connected with the Islamic Republic of Iran. On October 7, the Palestine-based Hamas and Islamic Jihad invaded US ally Israel and massacred over 1,400 civilians, among them 30 Americans.

The CBP memo came from the Intelligence Division of the agency’s San Diego Field Office of Customs and Border Protection.

They voiced concerns that due to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, there might be increased chances of encountering individuals linked to terrorism who aim to travel to or from the Middle East by crossing the southern US border.

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Lebanon-based Hezbollah are all recognized as terrorist organizations by the US.

“San Diego Field Office Intelligence Unit assesses that individuals inspired by, or reacting to the current Israel-Hamas conflict may attempt travel to or from the area of hostilities in the Middle East via circuitous transit across the Southwest border,” the CBP memo reads.

The document further mentions potential foreign fighters, motivated either by ideological reasons or as mercenaries, might try to hide their travel paths to or from the Middle East through Mexico.

The Border Patrol, amidst increasing illegal immigration at the southern border, has noticed a significant rise in the number of individuals on the terror watchlist they encounter.

Specifically, encounters with individuals on this list at both the southern and northern borders have jumped to 172 in the fiscal year 2023 from 98 in the fiscal year 2022.

This latest warning emphasizes certain signs that border authorities should be alert for, including military-aged men, those carrying military gear, solo travelers, and those with connections to the Middle Eastern region.

The memo also suggests specific questions to gauge any associations with groups like “Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP),” and others of the same kind.